Saturday 2 March 2013


The Cardiff Acne Disability Index

1.  As a result of having acne, during the last month have you been aggressive, frustrated or embarrassed?


(a)   Very much indeed
(b)   A lot
(c)    A little
(d)   Not at all

2. Do you think that having acne during the last month interfered with your daily social life, social events or relationships with members of the opposite sex?

(a)   Severely, affecting all activities
(b)   Moderately, in most activities
(c)    Occasionally or in only some activities
(d)   Not at all

3. During the last month have you avoided public changing facilities or wearing swimming costumes because of your acne?

(a)   All of the time
(b)   Most of the time
(c)    Occasionally
(d)   Not at all

4. How would you describe your feelings about the appearance of your skin over the last month?

(a)   Very depressed and miserable
(b)   Usually concerned
(c)    Occasionally concerned
(d)   Not bothered

5. Please indicate how bad you think your acne is now:

(a)   The worst it could possibly be
(b)   A major problem
(c)    A minor problem
(d)    Not a problem


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